Wednesday, 28 November 2012

the things we learn (2012)

2012 kicked off with a bang, new job, new house, new flatmate, new responsibilities and challenges. New job turned permanent, new house turned home, new flatmate turned into best friend, new responsibilities and challenges turned into what I love about work!

It has been an exceptional year of personal growth and development, in what I'd call a radical, unpredictable year.  And I've learnt much to my dismay that cliché's are cliché's because yes they are overused but they are so painfully true. "Life is short", "don't save for tomorrow what you can do today", "life is a roller coaster, enjoy the ride"...

So here's a few lesson's I learnt and re-learnt in 2012;

Don't underestimate the value of your morning pick me up :)

 Play towards your strengths and recognise/work on your weaknesses

 Enough said

You never know what's going to happen, live for the day, plan for the future!

Accept your body for what it is, and learn to love it, for there are certain thing that will not change, don't worry about it! "Worry, but know that worrying is as effective as trying to solve an algebra equation by chewing bubblegum" - Baz Luhrman

Never underestimate the power of laughter, do it often and loud!

Success, strength, courage and happiness have everything to do with your attitude!

 It's as easy as recognising a dream and working towards it!


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