Wednesday, 7 August 2013

30 Day Challenge - follow up

Today my 30 Day Challenge comes to an end... 

Am I happy with the results... honestly off hand I'd have to say no. 

Like anyone that sets off and tackles a challenge, one hopes for the optimum results. I haven't lost much weight, and thats actually what I wanted! But me being the eternal optimist has to focus on the positive and look at what this challenge has resulted in.

1. I haven't bought a chocolate in 30 days, so I've saved money :)

2. I have eaten chocolate maybe 3 times in 30 days... which is HUGE because I was having chocolate and sweet things almost everyday before. My cravings have almost completely disappeared and I can say NO! (and it feels good)

3. I've developed a different mind set. I often tell myself "how bout I don't and say I did". What this does is fool myself into thinking I've had a chocolate or whatever... not really, but what it does is make me realise that the craving that I think I have is all in my mind, I don't really need it, it's not contributing to my well being, and I'm going to have to work harder to burn the energy and avoid the weight gain by eating it.

4. It has made me realise that I comfort eat, which is a classic case of avoidance, and it's not healthy! Deal wish your feelings - don't eat them!

5. I've become more aware of how I fuel my body and more conscious of how I feel when I eat whatever I eat. I actually read labels now. It's like putting petrol in your car, your tank is only so big, if you want to put more in you're going to have to start putting fuel in canisters and storing it in the trunk which inevitably slows you down and is just down right dangerous.

6. I've started exercising again, and even though I haven't yet found the sustainable activity that will keep me trim and happy, I now actually want to try things and find it!

Soooooooo... my 30 day challenge was more about breaking bad habits, forming some good ones and becoming more conscious about what i eat and focussed on continuing a healthy lifestyle. If you're in the same boat, don't loose hope reframe and learn from your results and keep at it!

It's my birthday weekend coming up so healthy eating and exercise will take a backseat till next week, but soon I'll report on the next challenge! 

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